Ask Andinow for food recommendations
Discover the top 3 recommended dishes based on your taste.
- Text the restaurant's name or phone number to Andinow
- Get top 3 recommended dishes personalized to match your taste
Ask local Foodie Experts for Recommendations
- Text Ask <with your query> to Andinow
ex: Ask where to eat pizza in New York city?
- Andinow connects you with local foodie experts to answer your questions
- Get personalized recommendations in just a few minutes.
Watch our Live Demo!
If you can text, then you can use Andinow's food recommendation concierge service and get personalized recommendation results quickly, even without the internet!
Also, you can access the Andinow food recommendation platform where you can discover hidden gems that only locals know about, and overcome language barriers while traveling in a foreign country by getting help from local foodies who have similar taste profiles with you.
Our startup combines the power of AI with the expertise of local experts curation to bring you personalized food & restaurant recommendations like never before.