Don't Write Food Reviews, Join Andinow to Be ranked as local foodie experts & start earning  with the Andinow Partner Program

Get rewards and recognition for being a foodie expert in your city!

Become an Andinow Local Foodie Expert

Why Andinow?

Andinow helps travelers connect to local food experts to discover great places for food, and to get local help! Our startup combines the power of AI with the expertise of local experts curation to bring personalized food & restaurant recommendations based on individual taste profile.

Help business & individual travelers

Help travellers find hidden gems in the city that only locals know about

Be ranked in your city

Gain recognition as top 10 local foodie experts in Andinow Platform

Less Writing, More Appreciation

Make food recommendations, not write food reviews. Become a local foodie influencers!

get rewards

Earn extra income and get rewards for being top ranked local foodie expert in your city


Who we are

Andinow is an on-demand food recommendation concierge service platform using AI & local experts intelligence. Our startup combines the power of AI with the expertise of local experts curation to bring users personalized food & restaurant recommendations like never before. We provide a platform where travelers can connect to local experts to discover great places for food. When users visit a new city like Washington D.C, instead of spending time to read through hundreds of online reviews, they can text Andinow to get food & restaurant recommendations provided by local food experts with the help of AI to get the top 3 recs based on your taste profile. Our human-AI hybrid approach sets us apart in the world of recommendation technology.

Are you a foodie who loves to share your favorite dishes with others?

Join us today and start making food recommendations. You'll be ranked as a local foodie expert in your city. You'll be eligible to enter the Andinow Reward Plan when reaching top ranked local experts.

Are you interested in providing food & restaurant recommendations as a service?

Sign up now and earn Andinow points when answering on-demand queries from travelers. You'll be able to convert points to restaurant discount/coupons when reaching specific milestone.

Andinow requirements for local foodie experts

  • Make recommendations for 10 different restaurants in your current city and answer 20 Public queries OR 10 Private paid queries from travelers to be ranked as a local foodie expert
  • Use real name and have a clear photo of yourself on your profile page
  • Agree that that you are NOT closely affiliate with a business owner and not accepting compensation in exchanges for positive food rating and recommendations
  • Post high quality photos of recommended dishes and give honest food rating based on your own experience
  • Willing to become a foodie-famous influencer in your city  
  • Love to help travelers especially providing tips or help them find local gems that only you know about
  • (Bonus) Specialize in a specific type of food like "sushi" expert who know where the best sushi in your city because you have been to most if not all sushi restaurants in your city

Earn rewards upwards of $1,000 as top 5 local foodie experts

Flight Ticket

Hotel Stay

Dinner at Your Favorite Restaurant

Restaurant Giftcards

A food recommendation platform built with trust

At Andinow, we want to glorify our local foodie experts and we selectively invite them to join. We are looking for local foodie experts who have a lot of food experiences and provide accurate comparision and rating for the dishes they recommend

A community of top local foodie experts in the city

Whether you're looking to earn rewards or just want to help travelers who visiting your city, Andinow brings the technology to allow you to share your food experience with others and gain followings for your food expertises

Become a trusted food influencer and be ranked in your city

Our community is made up of trusted foodie experts who believe that sharing their real food experience with others to help them discover new favorite dishes.

frequently asked questions

join Andinow as a local foodie expert

Earn extra income and get recognition for being a foodie expert in your city!

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